You're a meerkat trying to survive in the desert while protecting your little colored cubs. When a new day starts, you gain bonus points for every cub alive, but you move slower while carrying them with you, so plan strategically. How many days can you survive?

Game made for PPJam#6 (theme: desert, mechanic: dodge)


Arrow keys or WASD - Movement

Space or J - Pick up or drop meerkat cubs

Enter - Menus

Post Jam Updates

- Added a focus screen.

- Added a Bestiary.

- Remade title screen.

- Fixed some scoring issues and added an indicator for Cub's Bonus score.

- Sounds for Lizard enemy and Day Change added. Updated Grasshopper sound.

- Fixed Grasshopper logic.

- Enemy logic updated: takes less days for spawn times to be faster; Snakes are more vicious. 


Stage Music: Desert Winds - Coffee-Break (

Bestiary Music: Duck Pond - Coffee-Break (

Sound effects done with:

Everything else by me.

Made withPiskel, GameMaker
Tags8-Bit, Animals, Cute, Retro
Average sessionA few minutes


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Cool enjoyable game! Really tested my attention and reaction. I survived for 8 days yaaay

It's a bit slow in the beginning and thus feels kinda wonky. I wish faster pace which happens on like day 5 or 6 persisted from the very beginning. But it's just me.

Also in bestiary goat enemies are almost impossible to see.

Anyways I had fun! Overall, very solid for a jam game, good job!


I'm pretty sure 8 is the highest I've seen, nice job!

I agree with it being a bit slow at the beggining, wanted it to be easy to let players get accostumed but maybe went a bit too far  😅

I'll make sure to have more contrasting colors next time! (The ears of the meerkats can't be seen in the bestiary either whoops)

I'm glad you had fun and thank you so much for taking your time to comment :)

nice concept, good strategy game.

Thank you for your comment! :)